
Huayin Sales Team Travel in Thailand

In order to enhance group cohesiveness and improve the company's centripetal force, from March 5th to 10th, HuaYin sales team organized a travel in Thailand. This recognizes and rewards excellence in our sales performance and it is also a manifestation of the company's humanistic atmosphere. The blue waves, the cloud, the sunshine and the coconut forest in Thailand left a good impression on everyone. These beautiful scenery is very attractive, everyone enjoy this six-days holiday. This is a happy and meaningful memory to us all.

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Everyone listened to the instructions of the tour guides and worked together to help each other. Everyone said one after another: “This travel is conducive to our health and release the stress of work, on the other hand it mobilize the enthusiasm. Let us create more achievements with high spirits. We all looking forward for the next destination of our  tour of the world!”
